Monday, September 22, 2008

Walking Reverie

I had another great walk this morning, despite the too high heat and humidity. I reflected on last night's final game in Yankee Stadium.

Everyone made such a big deal about how old the place is. It opened in April, 1923. My mother happened to call, and we spoke about it. She was born in April of 1920. I told her she had outlived another icon. She said that these days she feels like a creaky old building.

I ran into a neighbor, Scott, with his lovely little girl, who's in first grade. We chatted about schools. He asked about Ds 1 and 2, and I told him how they each were more than 1/2 done with high school and college. "Wow!", he said, "you're in a totally different stage of life!"

Then I found myself looking ahead, to my girls' graduations, and weddings.

It's funny, I never fantasize about my own career future. I guess that comes from doing something for so long. I have no desire to win any more important cases. I just sort of plod along as a lawyer.

Last Saturday, I watched the Canes game with 4 doctor friends. I've know them all, except one, since college --one since junior high school. One is out of the profession due to a disability. One is still in the thick of his profession --working long hours, and teaching young doctors. One treats his job like a high paying 9 to 5 gig. One only cares for rich patients and is looking only for an easy time of things.

So --the mornings will always come, as long as they do.

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