Sunday, February 2, 2025

And February Made Me Shiver...

 So tomorrow is February 3, the "day the music died" according to the great Don Mclean. That was before my time, but for our family, it was the day D2 was born -- so we celebrate!

Yesterday Wifey and I were to drive up to D1 and Joey's, to fetch Little Man for the night. His parents are at a wedding in Panama, and my consuegra Jacqui is there with Lizeth the nanny -- we were going to fetch Little Man Friday, but Jacqui wanted ALL her grandkids for a shabbat. We of course acceded.

D2 had called -- would I fetch a karaoke machine from Elise and Brett's house? I refuse to schlep -- something my late boss Ed taught me -- if you schlep for people, you are a schlepper. But I make an exception for nuclear family, and so I agreed. I went to tell Wifey we needed to leave a bit earlier, and was greeted with her scared little girl look -- her back was flaring up, and she was in distress. Would she prefer I go make the pick alone? She would.

So I saw Brett and Elise, and got the machine -- D2 and Jonathan were hosting some friends for an early D2 birthday -- and then I stopped at Anthony's ("Anfony's " in Little Man pronunciation). I UberEated Dave to Shorecrest, and D2 and Betsy joined us -- Baby Man acquitted himself well by scarfing down 2 meatballs. The curly haired toddler is speaking in sentences now, and is illegally adorable.

Little Man and I left around 2, and came home to a recovered Wifey. She took him next door to play with Amelie -- her newly refurbished playground was terrific. Her Mom Mariela had been over several times with koi -- putting them into our pond. She was tired of having to care for her closed pond -- weekly cleaning -- and is turning it into a fountain. Her beautiful koi are happily hear, and Mariela, Jesus, Amelie, and Jordan have open visitation rights.

Little Man took a bath in our absurdly large tub -- the builders Richard and Jennifer put the 7 foot diameter job in when they built the house in the late 90s -- sort of silly now. The jets long ago stopped working, and it turns out finding a jacuzzi repairman is a task greater than is worth for me -- -but the tub is still fun for little ones.

We fell asleep early -- except Wifey -- she went downstairs for some late night TV -- and I knew what was coming early today: a wakeup call from Little Man near 6, as he knew that's when House of Bagels opens. Sure enough, we were off in the pre dawn gloaming -- and saw the retired professor who is always there at store opening for his bagel, coffee, and Economics books.

Little Man was extremely hyper. The young girl who works there could be Eminem's sister -- a blonde, white woman who talks like the most inner city hip hop performer. She's lovely -- and noted "Wow -- dat boy talk a storm!" Indeed he does, though now, post bagel, I have him quietly watching Paw Patrol on our thankfully working TV.

Tomorrow a "Senior Tech" is visiting to figure out why the ATT keeps going down every few days -- typically for hours. If I was still working and hosting Zoom meetings -- this would be a problem. The affable tech who came out Friday said that ATT Fiber would be in our area soon -- and that would solve the issue -- but who knows? It may be time to switch to Infinity, though I hear they're fraught, too. Ah -- First World problems.

Later Little Man and I have a peafowl ("Pavo Royal") and iguana hunt scheduled -- he has his field notebook to keep track of what we find.

At some point, we'll re-home him and Lemon, the skittish Spaniel we took home with us, too, and his parents are due back from Panama.

The family dinner for D2's 33rd is scheduled for Friday -- a hipster steakhouse called Sunny's -- I took Barry there last month -- good, but we were clearly the only ones there older than 50.

So I DO recall what was revealed the day that D2 was born -- and it was all wonderful.