Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Lovely Friday Night

 Well, in a nod to the continuing, hopefully for not much longer, plague, I attended Eric and Dana's Zoom shabbat, and then hosted a truncated version of my own 7 pm virtual cocktail party. But happily, my Zoom was just a pre-game, for a normal night.

Barry and Donna were on at 7, and Josh was in the car with his grandmother, and we chatted as Barry and I toasted. And then at 7:30, we signed off, and Wifey drove D2 and me to our long time,go-to celebratory restaurant, Christy's.

Jonathan was already there, following a nearby happy hour with some work friends, and we rolled inside for the first time since the Plague. It was lovely -- they renovated, a bit, but the same affable staff was there, serving old style, simple great food -- potato skins, Caesar salad, steaks and fish.

D1 and Joey joined the table, and we realized it was the first time the "Full Squad," as Joey has named the 3 couples, were together since our weekend in Key Largo -- back in August. 

It was delightful -- catching up on the young-uns jobs, and my sons in law's families.

We even managed to talk a bit about the beautiful grandson and his upcoming SECOND ! birthday in December.

We reminisced about other times at Christy's. One year Wifey and I hosted Thanksgiving there -- it was lovely.

We celebrated D2's high school graduation there, back before they had a bar, in 2010.  How was that 11 years ago?

Wifey and I shared a steak, and lobster bisque -- old style stuff. Which is my style.

But more significantly, each of us felt so lucky and blessed to be together. Somehow the Big Man decided that this Queens born guy would meet a Haifa born girl, and we would be gifted with 2 amazing girls born in the 305. They'd go on to meet wonderful men born in Bogota and Caracas, and form the aforementioned Full Squad.

Our martini glasses runneth over.

D1 drove home, and Wifey drove D2, Jonathan, and me back home. Today our Pinecrest roomies are headed to Aventura to celebrate Jonathan's Dad's 72nd birthday. Joey's father turns 61 this week. We three suegros are indeed lucky men -- cool rocking grandpas in the USA.

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