Friday, November 20, 2015

And I Wonder, Still I Wonder, Who'll Stop the Heat

We haven't seen a temperature beginning with a 6 in so long, I've forgotten what it feels like. Even though it's late November, some strange front has stalled over South Florida, and it's been rainy, humid, and hot - August-like. Wifey and I went for a walk last night, and after just a one time around the block, I was sweating. It was high 70s, and my Apple Weather app said it "felt like 92." And so it did. Wifey, more a lover of the heat than I, is tired of my complaining about it, and is actually looking forward to needing a sweater next week when we visit NYC... It hasn't been the greatest November, so far. D1 took over two weeks to finally get over a Mexican stomach bug. Her followup blood results came in yesterday, and showed all was normal. I got the news from Dr. Neil, who took such great care of her. I sent him two bottles of wine in thanks, and he told me he'd drink both when his three kids come to town next week for T Day... Now that D1 has returned to the world of the living, she's hosting a booth tomorrow at a Wynwood Food Festival called Seed Miami. Wifey is her unpaid assistant -- they plan to give out snacks and pens to promote D1's new Nutrition Consulting practice. I had tickets for the final Canes game, but Norman, the tailgate master, is out of town, and the game is at 12:30, and I had no one to take. So I gave the tickets to Mirta, my sister of another mother, and she in turn gave them to a friend, as Mirta has a party to attend. I plan to visit the Miami Book Fair, and maybe pop over to see Wifey and D1. The Canes can play without me. Dr. Barry was going to bag the game, too, but his nurse friend wants to go, so he will schlep from Broward to see this final contest. We're all excited about the new coach coming, and Canes basketball is here, and that team looks really good so far... D2 and I speak most mornings as she walks to work across town, and she is very excited about seeing her family. We're headed up Wednesday, and have T Day lunch plans with Wifey's BFF Edna, her husband Marc, and Lauren, her NYC daughter. We're going to the Water Club, a very old NYC place, on the East River at 30th Street. We can walk there from D2's place. My only requirements, as the women in our group vetted restaurants, was turkey and cocktails, and apparently the Club has both for us. The following day, D1 turns 27 on the 27th, and has some healthy restaurant picked out for that celebration. Saturday I plan to watch the final Canes game from NYC Canes outpost Brother Jimmy's, while Wifey and the Ds window shop 5th Avenue. I have a feeling they'll be shopping for more than windows... Saturday night we're all headed to Sammy's Romanian, for the heavy food and laughter from the Israeli DJ who keeps alive the spirit of Catskills tummelers from days long past. And it ought to be chilly -- at least chillier than here. I know I won't be complaining in January and February, when the rest of the US is miserable, and Miami is paradise. But I'm ready for a cool front...

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