Thursday, March 22, 2012

Windy March

So Spring has sprung in Miami, and we were deprived of a winter this year. We usually get several cold spells. This past season I think we had a total of 4 nights where the temps dipped into the 50s...

My trusty fire pit and chimnea got little use. Now that April is nearly here, it's time to put the canvas cover on and wait for next year...

But, we were compensated...March has been beautiful. Each day brought delightful breezes from the East. This past week, we hosted our friend Elizabeth, and we enjoyed some fine conversation and drinkable wine on our front porch...with no biting bugs, or sweaty humidity.

I'm sure the summer heat isn't too far off. The Marlins open in their new retractable roof stadium in a couple of weeks, and it'll be nice if the roof stays open.

I'm a partial season ticket owner, with several other friends. I promised my 2 season opener seats to Dr. Barry and his boy Scott, since I was supposed to be in Paris that night. Now, Paris isn't in the cards, so I may just amble over to the park and scalp myself a ticket -- just to be there.

I was at the opening of Joe Robbie Stadium -- the Fins played New England in an exhibition. I knew right away the stadium lacked soul, and I was right. The Fins haven't been really good since they moved in. On the other hand, I also went to the inaguaral Marlins game there, and the Fish won 2 World Series Championships in their short history...

I was at the opening game at the old Miami Arena, and it's now a pile of rubble. I went to the first Heat game at the AAA, too, and find that I couldn't care less now how the Heat does.

So I guess I'll continue my streak, and head to the baseball park.

Maybe it will be a nice breezy night...

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